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State Department warns public not to cruise due to COVID-19

Media outlets are reporting that the U.S. State Department is urging senior citizens and citizens with “underlying conditions” not to cruise.

In addition to the State Department sounding the alarm, The Huffington Post is reporting, “A top U.S. health official on Sunday urged elderly people and individuals with underlying conditions such as heart disease and diabetes to “absolutely” avoid cruise ships as the coronavirus continues to spread across the world.

Anthony Fauci, a doctor and the director of the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases, warned vulnerable populations against unnecessary travel — especially on cruise ships — during a series of appearances on Sunday morning talk shows.

“Something that’s important that I hope the American people appreciate is that the risk of getting into trouble with this infection … is overwhelmingly weighted towards people with underlying conditions and the elderly,” Fauci told NBC’s “Meet The Press.”

“If you are an elderly person with an underlying condition, if you get infected, the risk of getting into trouble is considerable,” he continued. “When I say protect, I mean right now, [don’t] wait until things get worse, say ‘no large crowds, no long trips, and above all, don’t get on a cruise ship.’”

Speaking as a travel agent, I appreciate our government warning the elderly and folks with underlying conditions not to cruise, but I believe most people (and especially kids) shouldn’t be scared about cruising.

Carnival and other cruise lines are doing their best to ensure their guests are healthy before cruising. Taking temperatures and ensuring people haven’t travelled from affected countries are great steps against the Coronavirus.

If someone were to invite me on cruise today, I wouldn’t hesitate to board a ship.

I understand, no one wants to be quarantined for 14 days, but millions of Americans cruise without incident each year. I feel confident that cruising remains safe and fun for singles, couples and families.

Click on the links below for more news articles about this story:





About Scott Lara

Navy Veteran, Travel Agent, love to cruise!

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