If you’re about to take a cruise, it may be a good idea to see if your ship is safe from COVID.
The CDC has a color code chart, much like the traffic light chart that Mexico has for tourists to judge safety from COVID.
The CDC website states, “While cruising will always pose some risk of COVID-19 transmission, CDC is committed to working with cruise ship operators to ensure that cruise ship passenger operations are conducted in a way that reduces the risk of COVID-19 transmission among crew members, passengers, and port personnel.
With the exception of cruise ships operating in Florida, all cruise ships operating in U.S. waters, or seeking to operate in U.S. waters, must comply with the requirements of CDC’s Temporary Extension & Modification of Framework for Conditional Sailing Order (CSO) and Technical Instructions, even when outside of U.S. waters.
Additionally, as of November 1, 2021, the CSO applies to only foreign-flagged cruise ships operating in U.S. waters, or outside of U.S. waters if the cruise ship operator intends for the ship to return to operating in international, interstate, or intrastate waterways subject to the jurisdiction of the United States. U.S.-flagged cruise ship operators previously covered by the CSO may continue to participate on a voluntary basis.
Note: As of July 23, 2021, the CSO and accompanying measures, such as technical instructions, are currently nonbinding recommendations for cruise ships arriving in, located within, or departing from a port in Florida. However, CDC will continue to operate the CSO as a voluntary program for such ships should they choose to follow the CSO measures on a voluntary basis.”
To see the status of cruise ships, click on the link below: