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Staying healthy during your vacation

Fruits can be a danger!

It’s hard enough to stay healthy at home, but when you travel/go on vacation, it’s even more difficult to keep yourself in peak condition! Staying healthy during your vacation is critical.


Airplanes, airports and cruise ships can be an incubator for disease! Recirculated air, people coughing and suspect food spell danger to your body. A close friend of mine recently picked up a parasite from contaminated fruit! She was sick for weeks after she returned from a luxury vacation in Mexico. The culprit was contaminated raspberries! Cruise ships can also be a haven for spreading the norovirus. It’s critical to wash hands frequently with hot soapy water and avoid touching items that may be contaminated!

Marty (The Martster). My wife of 35 years!

Watch what you eat.

My wife insists on feeding me healthy food! Broccoli, cage-free eggs and organic spinach are frequently served in our home, but when we travel, healthy options are rarely available! I gravitate to sweets, large steaks, loaded baked potatoes and sugary drinks on cruise ships and at all-inclusive resorts! These bad choices harm your immune system and puts on the pounds!  Sure, enjoy your vacation, but be sure to take the steps instead of the elevator, take a brisk walk after a large meal, and limit sedentary recreation.

Staying regular 

Now that I’m over 50, it’s seems that going to the bathroom normally has become more important! Diarrhea, constipation and other problems are very troublesome and can cause additional issues during your well-deserved (and expensive) vacation!

Avoid foods that may be foreign to your body! Sure, trying to act like a tv travel personality may be exciting, but you don’t want to risk a trip to a local hospital in a foreign country!

Click on the link below for more great tips.


About Scott Lara

President of MilitaryFares.com. Navy Veteran, Travel Agent, love to cruise!

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