Why I love to go on cruises.

As you may know, I’m a US Navy veteran. I served on two Navy ships, the U.S.S. Samuel Eliot Morison (FFG-13) and the U.S.S. Ticonderoga (CG-47). (This is the USS Vincennes, but close enough)   I also was an instructor with the fast flying hydrofoil squadron in Key West Florida.   …

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Hurricane Season is upon us!

Yes, it’s hurricane season again! I advise all my travel clients to purchase travel insurance through Insure My Trip! Peace of mind is critical during any trip, so be sure to check out my friends at Insure My Trip! Go to Cruise Radio.net at http://www.cruiseradio.net and click on the Insure …

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Carnival Sunshine…a breath of fresh air

Marty and I had a great time on the Carnival Sunshine. I’m glad that we were able to go so soon after she arrived in her new home port of Port Canaveral. We enjoyed an incredible pre cruise stay at the Radisson Resort at the Port. Super friendly service from the …

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In Key West today with the Carnival Sunshine

Wow. I can’t believe that Marty and I have been back to Key West (the birthplace of Brittany Lara) 3 times this year! Key West is full of history and culture! Some quick thoughts about the Carnival Sunshine. At first it can be difficult to find your way around, so …

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The Radisson Resort at the Port

It’s Sunday, April 27th. Marty and I are about to head down to the restaurant for breakfast! We drove from Jacksonville over to Orlando yesterday to see our daughter Brittany. After having an early dinner, we drove about an hour east to the Radisson. We stayed at the Radisson back …

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Recipe for the Melting Chocolate Cake from Carnival!

You know it, I know it, and the American People know it! The Melting Chocolate Cake on Carnival is incredible! Well, you say it, I play it (A little DJ lingo there), so click on the link below for the recipe! http://f.carnivalfunmail.com/i/23/982238741/20140424_VIFP_recipe.pdf?cid=Em_PR_04242014_VIFP_NL_5941 Next stop, Carnival Sunshine on Sunday. Stay tuned. Peace!

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Carnival Sunshine April 27th!

Marty and I are looking forward to sailing on the Carnival Sunshine on April 27th! I’m glad that the Sunshine has arrived in Port Canaveral and has all the FunShip 2.0 extras! Stay tuned for more!  Scott

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